Action Comics #603
Cover by Kyle Baker. “Retribution!”, script by James Owsley (Christopher Priest), art by Gil Kane; Authorities believe that John Stewart crashed the F-14 into Coast City; Hal Jordan and Star Sapphire battle. “Spread Your Broken Wings And Learn To Fly,” script by Martin Pasko, art by Dan Spiegle; The new Secret Six receives their orders and begins the action, while the death of the old Secret Six is discovered. “Chapter 3 Talaoc’s Tale,” script by Mike Baron, pencils by Dan Jurgens, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Deadman questions Talaoc while the C.I.A. discovers weapons in the pyramid Talaoc was entombed in. “More Powerful Than A Locomotive!”, script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by John Beatty; Superman chases Bob Galt’s would-be assassins: one kills another and 2 are captured. “Moral Stand Chapter 3 Censored,” script by Max Collins, pencils by Terry Beatty, inks by John Nyberg; The police begin an investigation into the destruction of Readworld, and Lt. Flint proposes that Jack Wheeler go undercover in the Legion of Morality. “Another Fine War, Chapter 3,” script by Mike Grell, pencils by Rick Burchett, inks by Pablo Marcos; Cynthia Hastings helps outfit Blackhawk for the job.
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