Action Comics #604
Cover by Klaus Janson. “I, The Jury,” script by James Owsley (Christopher Priest), pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Don Simpson; Star Sapphire frames John Stewart for her faked murder, while she has Hal Jordan imprisoned on Golgotha. “Moral Stand Chapter 4 Unleashed!”, script by Max Collins, pencils by Terry Beatty, inks by John Nyberg; The Legion of Morality continues its terrorist attacks, and Wild Dog arrives to attempt to stop one. “Haunts Of The Very Rich,” script by Martin Pasko, art by Dan Spiegle; The Secret Six sneaks into Elvis Brockman’s estate and scares a confession out of him. “Final Escape?”, script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by John Beatty; Superman apprehends the final one of Bob Galt’s assailants. “Genie In A Bottle,” script by Mike Baron, pencils by Dan Jurgens, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Deadman fails at an attempt to control an alien spaceship, and is captured by the C.I.A.; Talaoc seems to disappear. Article is about “Batman: The Cult” series by Brian Augustyn. “Another Fine War Part 4,” script by Mike Grell, pencils by Rick Burchett, inks by Pablo Marcos; Blackhawk and Cynthia Hastings arrive at the Red Dragon’s lair and are captured.
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