Tapping the Vein #3


Cover by Dave McKean. Written by Clive Barker, Chuck Wagner, Fred Burke and Bo Hampton. Art by Denys Cowan, Michael Davis and Bo Hampton. Clive Barker’s nightmarish vision has changed the face of horror forever. Now Barker does for comics what he’s already done for film, stage and fiction — stretching the very boundaries of the medium itself to bring forth the lyrical and the brutal. In Book Three: “The Midnight Meat Train” by Clive Barker, Chuck Wagner (adaptation), Fred Burke (adaptation), Denys Cowan and Michael Davis. Also featuring: “Scape-Goats” by Barker and Bo Hampton (adaptation/art).

1 in stock

SKU: TappingtheVein3 Category:

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 1 in


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