Americomics #3
Cover art by Pat Broderick. Americomics starring Dragonfly, script by Bill Black, pencils by Rik Levins (Dragonfly, Shade) and Martin L. Greim (Atomic Mouse), inks by John Beatty (Dragonfly), Willy Blyberg (Shade), and Al Bradford (Atomic Mouse). RETURN FROM PAGO ISLAND!, script and pencils by Rik Levins, inks by Bill Black. The Battling Blue Beetles! history article. TO LIVE AGAIN!, script by Leo J. Laney (plot) and Neal Stannard (dialogue), pencils by Leo J. Laney, inks by Bill Black; Dan Garrett is brought back from the dead by unnamed “gods,” and becomes a CIB (Central Intelligence Bureau) agent; His 1st assignment is to trade crimeboss Terry Spencer for the kidnapped Ted Kord– who’s surprised to see Dan alive again! THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND SCREAMS starring The Shade, script by Bill Black, pencils by Bill Black (layouts) and Rik Levins, inks by Willie Blyberg. Black Diamond Vs. Darkfire ad, art by Paul Gulacy. Star Masters, art by Paul Gulacy. Blue Beetle back cover illustration, pencils by Rik Levins, inks by Bill Black. 36 pgs.
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