Atomic Mouse (2nd Series) Full Set


Atomic Mouse (1984 Charlton 2nd Series) #1 Atomic Mouse (1984 Charlton 2nd Series) #10 Atomic Mouse (1984 Charlton 2nd Series) #11 Atomic Mouse (1984 Charlton 2nd Series) #12 Al Fago drew and Vince Fago created Atomic Mouse for Charlton Comics. The initial series was published from 1953-1963. During the waning days of Charlton, after they had canceled all of their licensed characters such as the ones by Hanna-Barbera or Jay Ward, Charlton resurrected Atomic Mouse in a last ditch attempt to revitalize their comic book line. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful and Charlton discontinued all comic book publishing and soon closed its doors permanently a few years later. As a result, these mid-80s reprints are somewhat difficult to find in any condition

1 in stock

SKU: atomicmouseset Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 1 in


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