House of Secrets : The Road to You Getting There 1-3 set


1-Painted cover art by Teddy Kristiansen. The Road To You – Getting There Part One, script by Steven T. Seagle, art by Teddy Kristiansen; Rain, Ben and Traci road trip to San Fransisco; While visiting the Sutro Bath house Rain enters a cave and discovers herself transported to the past and finds the House of Secrets cannot be escaped; P.I. Calderone begins his search for Rain by tracking her across the country.

2-Painted cover art by Teddy Kristiansen. The Road To You – Getting There Part Two, script by Steven T. Seagle, pencils by Christian Højgaard [layouts], inks by Teddy Kristiansen [finishes]; While trapped in the past Rain, Ben and Traci become caught up in a plot to kill President Roosevelt; Rain also learns that the House of Secrets existed in the past, though some members of the Juris were different then.

3-Painted cover art by Teddy Kristiansen. The Road To You – Getting There Part Three, script by Steven T. Seagle, pencils by Christian Højgaard (layouts), inks by Teddy Kristiansen (finishes); In the past Rain foils the attempt on President Roosevelt’s life but has to make a bargin with Pfaultz to do so; Rain, Ben and Traci are returned to the present and Detective Calderone gets closer to finding Rain.


1 in stock

SKU: houseroad13 Category:

Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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