Journey into Mystery #9


Cover by Russ Heath. Coffin of Hell!; The Communists of East Germany are baffled by the murders of several of their agents. I Can Hear You Think!, script by Paul S. Newman, art by Vic Carrabotta; After the first atomic bomb explodes children are born with the ability to read minds, which the government put to use as a tactical defense against the Communists. The New Tenants, art by Bill Everett ; A man works for a miser who cheats people on real estate deals until he gets so fed up with his boss selling run down dumps to kindly old folks that he kills him and shores up the floor support in the cellar with the man’s body. Wilson’s Woman, art by Doug Wildey; A scientist moves into a small town that proves his undoing when he builds a robot for a mate and the townspeople suspect that he has hypnotized the beautiful woman into remaining with the homely man.

1 in stock

SKU: journeyintoMyst9 Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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