Logan’s Run #6


Cover by Paul Gulacy. “Aftermath”. 12 pages. Part 1 of ? Story by John Warner. Pencils by Tom Sutton. Inks by Terry Austin. In the fallout of the city’s destruction, the inhabitants must try to make their way in the real world. But what if it was possible to restart the computer and save the city? Logan travels to the computer core to try to do just that. “The Final Flower”. 5 pages. Story by Scott Edelman. Art by Mike Zeck. Thanos and Drax the Destroyer clash on a world that worships flowers. The last of which Thanos is about to destroy, and crush the planet’s resistance.

2 in stock

SKU: logansrun6 Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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