Marvel Comics Presents #111


Cover art by Steve Lightle. Typhoid’s Kiss Part 3: Over Exposed starring Wolverine and Typhoid Mary, script by Ann Nocenti, art by Steve Lightle. Menace of the Mad Abbot starring Iron Fist, script by Joey Cavalieri, pencils by Alex Morrisey, inks by Brad Vancata. Return of the Braineaters Part 5: Roadkill starring Ghost Rider and Werewolf By Night, script by Chris Cooper, pencils by John Stanisci, inks by Ken Branch and Jimmy Palmiotti. I, Thanos Part 4: Betrayal, script by Jim Starlin, art by Shawn McManus.

1 in stock

SKU: mcomicpresents111 Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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