Marvel Comics Presents #126A


Variant Cover.Cover art by James Fry and Chris Ivy. Passion Play Part 4: Widow’s Sting starring Wolverine and Lynx, script by Scott Lobdell, pencils by Dennis Jensen, inks by Jon Holdredge. Adrenazon’s Revenge Part 4: To Thine Own Self Be True starring She-Hulk, script by Kelly Corvese, pencils by Dave Hoover, inks by Robert Campanella. The Walking Wounded Part 4: Jerk the Bait starring Ghost Rider and Typhoid Mary, script by Steve Lightle and Ann Nocenti, art by Steve Lightle. The Book of Changes Part 2: A Mystery Wrapped In A Puzzle Inside An Enigma starring Iron Fist, script by Joey Cavalieri, pencils by Dave Hoover, inks by Jeff Albrecht.

1 in stock

SKU: mcomicpresents126A Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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