Vicki Valentine #1


Stories by Bill Woggon and Barb Rausch. Art by Barb Rausch, plus fashion pinups by Will Eisner, Arn Saba, Valentino, Terry Beatty, and Will Meugniot. Cover by Barb Rausch. A tribute to Millie the Model and the other girls’ humor comics of the Silver and Golden ages. Vicki gets a job working for a famous designer, but learns too late that her duties include feeding the pet tiger. Renegade Press publisher Deni Loubert emcees a fashion show, featuring famous female comic characters drawn by their original creators, including Ellen Dolan (The Spirit); Mam’selle PoupeĆ© (Neil the Horse); Sophisticated Lady (Normalman); Ms. Tree and Mike Mist; and Rainbow and Amber (DNAgents). Also, Lotta Love paper dolls. Feeding the Kitty; Coloring Fun; A Comic Celebs Fashion Show; Vicki Valentine Vogues; Kitty Kline; Lotta’s Lovely Looks; Riding the Range; Angel Cake.

4 in stock

SKU: VickiVal1 Category:


All comic books are shipped in individual bags and boards, orders are packed between two sheets of cardboard-Then taped down at 10 points, before being placed into an box , The address label with the return address is on each shipped order. We are an online-only business, we do not operate a storefront location.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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