All Star Western #6


Cover art by Tony DeZuniga. “Billy the Kid… Killer!”, script by John Albano, art by Tony DeZuniga; Billy the Kid’s father has been murdered and Billy has been on the killers trail; Tracking down a Mexican named Poncho, Billy believes him to be the killer, however Poncho tells Billy that he saw the killers of Billy’s father; Agreeing to be taken to the killer, Poncho takes Billy out into the desert. “Town Tamer,” script and art by Gil Kane; Wild Bill Hickok meets a grizzly. “The Night of the Snake!”, script by Gil Kane and Denny O’Neil, pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Bick Lupson was a trouble making cattle minder; One night while drinking on the job, Bick leaves his post to find some more fun and ends up finding a cabin owned by a native women; The woman has a pet snake, a servant to the great spirit she worships; Bick promptly kills the snake and attempts to rape the woman; The woman’s trapper husband comes home interrupting Bick but Bick shoots them both in cold blood. “Shooting High!” text story by Charles King.

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SKU: allstarwestern6 Category:


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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 1 in


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