Amazing Spider-Man #257


Direct Edition. “Beware the Claws of Puma!” Part 2 of 2. Script by Tom DeFalco. Pencils by Ron Frenz. Inks by Joe Rubinstein. Cover by Ron Frenz and Joe Rubinstein. On a Manhattan rooftop, Puma lines up the wounded wall-crawler for the kill shot, but the Black Cat intervenes at the last possible moment! With a brilliant display of her powers, the cat fights off Puma! And helps the web-slinger limp back to his apartment! After Felicia leaves Peter’s pad, Mary Jane walks through the door! And then Puma smashes through the window! Wow, how is Peter going to save Mary Jane much less himself from the wrath of Puma? And so much for the whole secret identity bit! Everything is coming apart at the seams for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (including his new costume)!

2 in stock

SKU: AMZspiderman257 Category:


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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 1 in


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