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Hal Jordan as the Spectre!

WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS who took Hal Jordan down the gopher hole of emotions to add more depth to a character that had been redefined by multiple writers. ART AND COVERS BY RYAN SOOK -He did an amazing job giving a grittier edge to the clean-cut classic character . Unlike the 1980 and 1990s runs of Green Lantern, this series brought Hal Jordan back to his silver age roots as the 2nd Green Lantern. Exploring human emotion and motivations in a way that made you look forward to the next issue!

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Undertow asks what is a Monster ?

Written by Steve Orlando who ran with the idea of could modern monsters be reinvented into a creation story. Art and cover by Artyom Trakhanov carried on this concept. So what they did was bring Frankenstein and Captain Nemo into the world of Atlantis . Not the neo-classical version but a super science version -where everyone lived underwater. So not odd as the debate on Atlantis continues .Solid plot lines and an edgy art style round out the series through the ending. Your are left with the question of what defines a hero or a villain!

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If you open a comic book store

What can you expect:

  • Choosing the size of your business
  • Choosing the Financial Investment
  • Choosing the Benchmarks for Sucess

Choosing the size of your business will determine How many hours a day you work, How many products you need to sell to meet costs, and what level of profit is worth your time.

Choosing the Financial Investment will determine your Liability (the value of what you can lose by operating a business) ,your Inventory on hand (products required for sales), and your Profits (Money remaining after deducting the cost of operations, the cost of product and the cost of time )

Choosing Benchmarks for sucess ,Benchmark 1 -meeting operating expenses from sales , Benchmark 2 -purchasing new inventory from business profits instead of investment capitol ,Benchmark 3- Paying back your first double payment on your debts (reducing time to pay off and interest expense for your financing) .

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Abominations, More commonly known as Hulk Future Imperfect the Sequel

While a great idea it was late in publishing terms, Hulk Future Imperfect came out in 1992. Four years and a huge number of storylines-latter Abominations – a three-issue mini-series came out. What changed in the meantime was a redefinition of an era -The same details that brought people to buy Hulk Future imperfect kept them from buying Abominations. Marvel’s attempt to tie a new series to a proven hit missed the mark. The switch to line art instead of painted covers made the series blend into current comics on the stands, no longer standing out meant the plot line had its moment and quietly went into back issue boxes . On its own merits, it was a well-written series, with incredible amounts of detail in the fight scenes -and a plotline with a few unexpected details!

Abominations  (Marvel, 1996-1997) ™ and ©1997 Marvel Characters, Inc

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Golden Age Art on a budget : Ace Comics Presents The Art of Lou Fine

An idea created with fans in mind Ace Comics Presents featured the great artists of the 1940s. Ending their series with The art of Lou Fine in Issue #4 Featuring Hack O’Hara -A heroic cab driver , A brief index of Lou Fines Comic Book History from 1938 -1971 -Space Conquerors ( A brief insert story from 1971) Lou Fine Created the Black Condor ,The Ray -While a comic Book legend Mr. Fine passed away working on newspaper comic strips in 1971.

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Ace of Diamonds -A short series

In the early 2000s, the bad girl craze of the 1990s finally seemed to run out of steam. Into this time period, Glenn Porzig launched an entry-level Self-published title -while not a modern Print On Demand it came close to filling the same small area of comic sales.

While it first appeared in another series Ace Of Diamonds was for the Writer a breakthrough, featuring top-of-the-line cover art and a budget black and white interior. The writing was in step with the art and combined well to relate stories All right’s to the following published Art Belong to Glenn Porzig – He can be contacted at