What can you expect:
- Choosing the size of your business
- Choosing the Financial Investment
- Choosing the Benchmarks for Sucess
Choosing the size of your business will determine How many hours a day you work, How many products you need to sell to meet costs, and what level of profit is worth your time.
Choosing the Financial Investment will determine your Liability (the value of what you can lose by operating a business) ,your Inventory on hand (products required for sales), and your Profits (Money remaining after deducting the cost of operations, the cost of product and the cost of time )
Choosing Benchmarks for sucess ,Benchmark 1 -meeting operating expenses from sales , Benchmark 2 -purchasing new inventory from business profits instead of investment capitol ,Benchmark 3- Paying back your first double payment on your debts (reducing time to pay off and interest expense for your financing) .