Action Comics #605
Cover by Andy Kubert. “Golgotha,” script by James Owsley (Christopher Priest), pencils by Gil Kane, inks by Don Simpson and Dick Giordano (special ink assist); An unidentified alien defeats Star Sapphire while Hal Jordan escapes from Golgotha. “Chapter 5 Deadman Goes To Hell,” script by Mike Baron, pencils by Dan Jurgens, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Deadman escapes from the C.I.A. and is captured by what appears to be a demon from hell. “Moral Stand Chapter 5 Sleeping Dogs Lie,” script by Max Collins, pencils by Terry Beatty, inks by John Nyberg; Wild Dog kills some of the Legion of Morality members and infiltrates their organization. “Aftermath,” script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by John Beatty; Bob Galt arrives in police custody as Superman fills out police report on the assassination attempt. “If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing,” script by Martin Pasko, art by Dan Spiegle; The Secret Six complete their first assignment, while Rafael DiRenzi confronts Mockingbird. “Enter… Red Dragon!”, script by Mike Grell, pencils by Rick Burchett, inks by Pablo Marcos; Blackhawk and the Red Dragon become acquainted with each other.
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