Action Comics #615
Cover pencils by Barry Crain, inks by Rick Magyar. “Freaks!”, script by Peter David and Richard Howell (co-plotter), pencils by Richard Howell, inks by Arne Starr; Some superpowered crooks trap Hal Jordan at a location Arisia is modeling at. “That Was No Lady,” script by Martin Pasko, art by Rick Burchett; Blackhawk escapes from some smugglers and hires Natalie Reed. “Night Patrol” (Fatal Distraction Chapter 1), script by Max Collins, pencils by Terry Beatty, inks by John Nyberg; A female serial killer stalks the Quad Cities and Wild Dog begins a search for her, while attracting the attention of a protégé. “Fatal Flaw?”, script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Murphy Anderson; Superman saves Charles Culpepper but may have killed his assailant. “Tracks Of A Killer!” (The Cheshire Contract Chapter 3), script by Marv Wolfman, pencils by Chuck Patton, inks by Tom Poston; Nightwing is suspicious of Speedy’s motives; Cheshire kills another ambassador. “Bitter Fruit” (Part 7), script by Sharon Wright, pencils by Randy DuBurke, inks by Pablo Marcos; Black Canary meets Doug Vallines and his private detective and tracks Vincent Scales, while his hired assassin deals with an INS employee. 52 pages, Full Color
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