Action Comics #618
Cover pencils by Jon Bogdanove, inks by Murphy Anderson. “First Encounter,” script by Peter David, pencils by Richard Howell, inks by Arne Starr; The Freak Show escapes from Hal Jordan and he tracks them to Hawkes Industries. “Unhappy Landing,” script by Martin Pasko, art by Rick Burchett; The Blackhawks are captured by Van Der Houten. “Lucky Night” (Fatal Distraction Chapter 4), script by Max Collins, pencils by Terry Beatty, inks by John Nyberg; Wild Dog gives an interview to a news reporter and stumbles upon the serial killer, but she escapes. “Out On The town,” script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Murphy Anderson; Superman searches for Bob Galt. “Grave Doings” (Chapter 1), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Kelley Jones, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Deadman discovers Wellman Legros attempting to create an army of zombies and inhabits one to try to thwart him. “Conclusion” (The Cheshire Contract Chapter 6), script by Marv Wolfman, pencils by Chuck Patton, inks by Tom Poston; Nightwing defeats Cheshire and Speedy is reunited with his daughter. 52 pages, Full Color,
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