Action Comics #619
Cover by Esteban Maroto. “Veronica,” script by Peter David and Richard Howell (co-plotter), pencils by Richard Howell, inks by Arne Starr; Green Lantern is attacked by the Freak Show after Veronica Hawkes allows him to search her factory. “One Mass Murderer To Go” (Fatal Distraction Chapter 5), script by Max Collins, pencils by Dick Rockwell and Terry Beatty (layouts), inks by John Nyberg; Wild Dog arrives at a hostage situation and Wild Pup attacks the perpetrator. “Grave Doings” (Part 2), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Kelley Jones, inks by Tony DeZuniga; Though Deadman inhabits one zombie and stops it from kidnapping twins, they are kidnapped by other zombies anyway. “Protective Shield?”, script by Roger Stern, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Murphy Anderson; Bob Galt harasses a store proprietor while Superman searches for him. “Once More Unto The Breach,” script by Martin Pasko, pencils by Frank Springer, inks by Frank McLaughlin; The Secret Six begin a search for Mockingbird as they perform his latest assignment. “What’s A Nice Girl Like You…?”, script by Martin Pasko, art by Rick Burchett; Blackhawk escapes as the other members of the Blackhawks are imprisoned and Van Der Houten’s men discover the missing plane. 52 pages, Full Color,
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