Adventure Comics #490A
Cover pencils by George Perez, inks by Bob Smith. Into the Abyss–Dial “H” For Hero, script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Larry Mahlstedt; Chris and Vicki stop the Squid but get trapped inside the villain known as The Abyss. The Other Side of Nowhere!–Dial “H” For Hero, script by Bob Rozakis, pencils by Howard Bender, inks by Rodin Rodriguez; Chris and Vicki are trapped in two different locations by The Abyss, but both dial up some new heroes until they find one that can get them home. Hostess ad starring Flash, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Vince Colletta. Battle of the Abyss–Dial “H” For Hero, script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Larry Mahlstedt. 36 Pages, Full Color.
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