Betty and Me #65
Cover pencils by Dan DeCarlo, inks by Rudy Lapick. “Project Help,” pencils by Dan DeCarlo; Betty lures Archie to her house on the pretext of helping her with a school project. “Dark Thoughts,” script and art by Joe Edwards; Jinx is glad for Charley’s presence on a spooky trip home. “Strictly Strategic,” pencils by Dan DeCarlo; Betty spends her entire ski trip with Archie trying to keep him away from Veronica. “Broom Bravado,” script by George Gladir, pencils by Gus Lemoine; The girls challenge the boys to a game of broom hockey for charity. Betty answers letters submitted by Archie readers. Statement of Ownership; Average no. copies each issue during preceding 12 months, 373,190; Actual no. of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date, 401,097. “Bored Stiff,” script by Dick Malmgren, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Jon D’Agostino; Betty plans a party to relieve Archie’s boredom, but her strenuous tasks for him to prepare for the party take him out of the spirit.
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