Deadman 2 1-4 set


1-With Cleveland Brand’s permission, Boston Brand, a.k.a. Deadman, takes over his brother’s body, but neither one could have foreseen the consequences in “Return…to Forever!” Batman appearance. Written by Andrew Helfer. Art & cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

2-Out for vengeance, Deadman encounters Lotus, Loomis and Vashnu before taking the fight to Sensei in “This Mortal Coil!” Written by Andrew Helfer. Art & cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

3-Sensei makes Deadman an offer as the hero remains trapped in the ectoplasm sphere in “Breaking the Barrier.” Written by Andrew Helfer. Art & cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

4-GarNanda Parbat’s the site for the final confrontation between Rama Kushna and the man once known as Sensei, while Deadman faces looming death in “Circle of Fire.” Written by Andrew Helfer. Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. Cover by John Byrne & Garcia-Lopez.


1 in stock

SKU: deadman14 Category: Tags: ,

Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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