Generation Next #1


Written by Scott Lobdell. Art and cover by Chris Bachalo and Mark Buckingham. From The Top; Apocalypse rules the world with an iron hand and only Magneto and his X-Men stand to resist him and his subjugation of all humans; Colossus and Shadowcat train the next generation of the X-Men with heavy handed brutality as the world they live in is just that kind of place; Magneto tells Colossus and Kitty of his visit by Bishop, a mutant from another reality where Xavier did not die; He has decided to go back in time to save Xavier’s life but needs a mutant with time traveling powers to do so; He wants Generation Next to get this mutant for him; Their target: Illyana, the little sister Colossus thought was long dead who is a slave of Apocalypse at the Portland Core. Text piece about the Age of Apocalypse. 3

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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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