GI Joe A Real American Hero #64


In “Maneuvering for Position,” the newly deceased Snake-Eyes and Scarlett get ready to invade Borovia and help their captured comrades; Fred VII lands on Cobra Island proclaiming himself to be Cobra Commander, and the Baroness backs him up. Characters: FEATURE: G.I. Joe–Snake-Eyes; Scarlett; Crank-Case; Fast-Draw (1st); Chuckles; Psyche-Out (1st); Lt. Falcon; Back-Stop (1st); Law and Order; Leatherneck; Hardtop (1st); Payload (1st); GUEST: Blind Master; VILLAINS: Cobra Commander II [1st; Fred VII]; Serpentor; Zartan; Dreadnoks; Baroness; Dr. Mindbender; Cobra Soldiers. Written by Larry Hama, with art by Ron Wagner and Russ Heath. Cover by Mike Zeck and Bob McLeod.

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SKU: gijoe64 Category:


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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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