Jonah Hex Two-Gun Mojo #1A


Standard edition – When storytellers tell the darkest, most horrific tales of the Old West, there is one name they never repeat after the sun has set and rarely even at high noon. But they all know about the gunslinger named Jonah Hex: a man whose life was as cursed as his name implies, and whose trail was as twisted as the scars that disfigure his face. When Hex rides into Mud Creek, Texas, he finds himself caught between the corrupt townspeople and a strange creature called the Mojo Man, whose mysterious schemes draw Hex inexorably into a strange vortex of horrors. Writer Joe R. Lansdale cites the character of Jonah Hex as a great influence on his horror fiction and other prose work. Art by Timothy Truman and Sam Glanzman, with full-process color by Sam Parsons. Painted cover by Truman. Suggested for Mature Readers. Deluxe Format. No ads.

1 in stock

SKU: jonahhex2gun1a Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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