Lost in Space #1


Painted cover art by Mike Okamoto. Seduction of the Innocent, script by Matt Thompson and David Campiti, pencils by Eddy Newell and Mark Jones; Several years after the events of the TV series, the Robinson family and friends find themselves on a planet of vicious plants; In a 2nd thread, Dr. Smith finds a data crystal that shows him sabotaging the Jupiter 2 at lift off from Earth. Essay about the events leading up to the creation of the 1st “Lost in Space” comic book. Where There’s A Will, There’s a Way article; Bill Mumy who played Will Robinson in the TV series reminisces about his thoughts about LIS over the years and his efforts to have a movie or comic book created.

2 in stock

SKU: lostspace1 Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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