Marvel Comics Presents #6


Cover art by John Buscema, Tom Sutton, and Klaus Janson. Save the Tiger Part 6: Things Get Bad starring Wolverine, script by Chris Claremont, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Klaus Janson. Elements of Terror Part 6: The Horror Within starring Man-Thing, script by Steve Gerber, art by Tom Sutton. Crossing Lines Part 6: Shoals starring Master of Kung Fu, script by Doug Moench, pencils by Tom Grindberg, inks by Dave Cockrum. Risky Business starring The Hulk, script by Bobbie Chase, pencils by Jeff Purves, inks by Pat Redding.

1 in stock

SKU: mcomicpresents6 Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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