Mighty Crusaders #8


Cover art by Rich Buckler. Unholy Abyss of Agony, script by Cary Burkett, pencils by Adrian Gonzales (layouts), inks by Rich Buckler; Ricardo Villagran; The remaining Crusaders — with Darkling’s help– manage to save the possessed Crusaders and battle against dinosaurs brought to life by Lord S’Ithh. Jaguar then defeats Lord S’Ithh — now possessing the Druid’s body — with a small amount of help from Lord Varigon. Shield Saves Hundreds! starring the Original Shield, script by Marty Greim,pencils by Dick Ayers, inks by Rich Buckler.

1 in stock

SKU: Mightycrusaders8 Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 3 × 3 in


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