Sarge Snorkel #8


Avoiding the Question starring Sarge Snorkel and Beetle Bailey. Dinner Dash starring Sarge Snorkel, Beetle Bailey, Killer Diller, General Halftrack, and Captain Scabbard. Vege-Trouble starring Sarge. All Stopped Up starring Sarge Snorkel, Captain Scabbard, and Plato. Rocket Man starring Killer Diller, Beetle Bailey, General Halftrack, and Sarge Snorkel. Witch Trouble text story starring Georgie the boy knight, script by Mike Pellowski, art by Mike Zeck. Loss of Memory starring General Halftrack. The Spiritual Advisor starring Sarge Snorkel and Killer Diller. Going One Better. Personal Service.

2 in stock

SKU: SargeSnorkel8 Category:

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 1 in


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