Seven Soldiers Mister Miracle #3


Written by Grant Morrison Art and cover by Billy Dallas Patton & Michael Bair. There’s a new Super Escape Artist in town! Baron Bedlam is here to steal Mister Miracle’s thunder with a death-defying act that must be seen to be believed! What is the secret of the Living Waveform? Who are the Plastic People? Shilo Norman faces the dark night of the soul when he finally confronts Dark Side! With the most shocking conclusion you will see in a comic, you must not miss MISTER MIRACLE #3!

1 in stock

SKU: 7solMrMiracl3 Category: Tag:


All comic books are shipped in individual bags and boards, orders are packed between two sheets of cardboard-Then taped down at 10 points, before being placed into an envelope, The address label with the return address is on each shipped order. We are an online-only business, we do not operate a storefront location.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 3 in


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