Ultimate X-Men Gambit Origin Set 1-2


Part 1 – cover by adam kubert chuck austen (W)/essad ribic (P) ? THE SCOOP: Hide your valuables and lock up your daughters, it’s the ultimate version of Gambit! ? THE STORY: He’s charming. He’s dangerous. He survives on wits alone. He’s Gambit — and he could be the next X-Man! That is, if the team can convince him to join! And if he doesn’t get himself killed helping a fellow street urchin! And if Storm and Professor X can actually find him! Whew, sounds like guest-writer Chuck Austen (U.S. WAR MACHINE) and guest-artist Essad Ribic (BROTHERHOOD) have really stacked the deck against Gambit! ?
Part 2 – (W) Chuck Austen (A) Esad Ribic & Livesay (CA) Adam Kubert and Richard Isanove THE SCOOP: Part two of the introduction of Ultimate Gambit! THE STORY: Against all better judgment, street urchin Remy LeBeau has taken in a young girl in trouble. Now, he’s pursued by the killers desperate to find her. He’s always relied only on himself, keeping at arm’s length from entangling relationships. Now, will opening his heart result in his death?

1 in stock

SKU: ULxmengambit12 Category:

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 1 in


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