Veronica #151
Cover pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Jon D’Agostino. “She’s Got Class!”, script by Bill Golliher, pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Jon D’Agostino; Jealous of the praise Betty receives for volunteering as a tutor after school, Veronica decides to teach a class on what she does best: attracting boys. Editor Victor Gorelick promotes Betty And Veronica #200, Archie & Friends #82 and Archie #547. “Boomerang Back Talk,” script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Jon D’Agostino; Veronica’s rudeness to a mall store clerk sets off a chain reaction of ill-will through the entire mall. Advice column in which Sara Algase as “Veronica” helps readers with various issues. “You’re Out of Line,” script and pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Jon D’Agostino; Veronica reluctantly agrees to hold Marcy’s place in line to buy tickets to the first showing of a major science fiction/fantasy film. Style 2004 fashion page, pencils by Dan Parent. “It’s in the Cards,” script by George Gladir, pencils by Tim Kennedy, inks by Rudy Lapick; As a change of pace, Archie gets Veronica a different sort of card for Valentine’s Day. “Revenge of the Nerds,” script by Kathleen Webb, pencils by Dan Parent, inks by Jon D’Agostino; Tired of dating jocks and popular guys, Veronica decides to ask out a few of Riverdale High’s nerds.
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