Villains and Vigilantes #4


Cover by Jeff Dee. “Fight or Flight,” script by Jack Herman and Jeff Dee (co-plot), pencils by Jeff Dee, inks by Patrick Zircher; Condor and Shatterman manage to escape their death trap and wind up inside the shuttle; Now they must stop Mocker’s master plan of stealing all the banking data from the Statcom satellite.

1 in stock

SKU: VillainsandVigilantes4 Category:


All comic books are shipped in individual bags and boards, orders are packed between two sheets of cardboard-Then taped down at 10 points, before being placed into an box , The address label with the return address is on each shipped order. We are an online-only business, we do not operate a storefront location.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 8 × 1 in


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