Warlord of Mars (Dynamite) #6E


Limited 1 for 10 ‘Martian Red’ Variant Cover by STEPHEN SADOWSKI Written by ARVID NELSON Art by LUI ANTONIO Dejah Thoris and John Carter travel to the dreaded city of Thark, where the green Martian warlord awaits. Unfortunately for them, the big, slobbery green monster has a ‘thing’ for red Martian girls. Fortunately, John Carter has super-human strength, and a super-human will to go along with it! Carter realizes he and Dejah cannot remain captives of the green Martians any longer. But the green Martians aren’t giving up without a fight. And if they do escape, what terrors await them in the harsh and desolate wilderness of Mars? Find out in Warlord of Mars #6: A Desperate Flight!

1 in stock

SKU: WarlordMars6E Category:


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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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