X-Files #1 News Stand Variant


First Print- News Stand Cover Variant -Cover by Miran Kim (mixed media) and Michael Grecco (photo). “Not to be Opened Until X-Mas,” script by Stefan Petrucha, art by Charles Adlard; Scully and Mulder’s investigation of a bizarre death in a Brooklyn church threatens to uncover an incredible plot involving an “inner government” conspiracy, the Vatican, an unscrupulous antiquities dealer, and the object of the clandestine search–the parchment containing the stolen last Fatima prophecy that seems to have an astonishing way of destroying anyone who attempts to read its secret. X-Files pullout poster by Miran Kim. Leaves in a Circle: Xploring the Xtremes text article by Stefan Petrucha.

1 in stock

SKU: xfiles1NS Category:

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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