X-Men Chronicles Set 1,2


#1 -1st printing. Dawn of Apocalypse. “Origins” Age of Apocalypse story, script by Howard Mackie, pencils by Terry Dodson, inks by Klaus Janson; Magneto has founded the X-Men to create the peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants; Due to growing hatred towards mutants, he has set up a special school located in Wundagore Mountains to train young mutants how to control their abilities; His X-Men are: Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, Storm, Colossus, Jean Grey, and Iceman; He joins them all in their training in the danger room and introduces them to their newest recruit, Weapon X; When Weapon X’s berserker rage takes over Magneto instructs Jean to calm him down telepathically; Meanwhile, in New York City, a giant ship has appeared, belonging to the evil mutant Apocalypse, who is making himself known to the world and beginning his edict of survival of the fittest. Beast illustration by Ian Churchill and James Pascoe. Magneto/Rogue illustration by Tom Grummett and Matthew Ryan. Weapon X illustration by Jae Lee. Factor X illustration by Bryan Hitch and Paul Neary. X-Men illustration by Ian Churchill and Tim Townsend. Gambit and His X-Ternals illustration by Tony Daniel and Kevin Conrad. Generation Next illustration by Paul Smith. Angel illustration by Val Semeiks and Bob McLeod.

#2 -Cover pencils by Ian Churchill. “Shattered Dreams” Age of Apocalypse story, script by Howard Mackie, pencils by Ian Churchill, inks by Scott Hanna, Al Vey, Bob Wiacek, and Steve Moncuse; Holocaust sends Wolverine after the X-Men; Weapon X and Jean Grey leave the team; Rogue is in a love triangle between Gambit and Magneto. Magneto reveals he can use his magnetic powers to bypass Rogue’s absorption; During the battle with Wolverine, Rogue agrees to let herself die for Magneto, but Gambit is able to kill the assassin; Angry at her choosing Magneto over him, Gambit leaves the group. Holocaust illustration by Armando Gil. The Rescue of Chamber illustration by Val Semeiks and Matthew Ryan. The Transformation of Nemesis to Holocaust illustration by Jerry Bingham. The Funeral of Scarlet Witch illustration by Paul Smith. The Salvation of Exodus illustration by Michael Golden.

1 in stock

SKU: xmenchron12 Category:

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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