Xena Warrior Princess Wrath of Hera Set 1,2


This two issue set includes
#1-Photo Cover with John Van Fleet pinup inside (pin up is same as the cover for Art Cover version). “The Wrath of Hera Part 1,” script by Trina Robbins, pencils by Gordon Purcell, inks by Larry Mahlstedt; Zeus tells Hera that Gabrielle is his lover, to protect Leda, so Hera turns Gabby into a duck. Based on the TV series.
#2-Photo Cover with John Van Fleet pinup inside (pin up is same as the cover for Art Cover version). “The Wrath of Hera Conclusion,” script by Trina Robbins, pencils by Gordon Purcell, inks by Claude St. Aubin; Gabrielle confronts Hera, then gets Leda safely out of the way of Hera’s wrath. Based on the TV series.

2 in stock

SKU: xenawrath12p Category:


All comic books are shipped in individual bags and boards, orders are packed between two sheets of cardboard-Then taped down at 10 points, before being placed into an box , The address label with the return address is on each shipped order. We are an online-only business, we do not operate a storefront location.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 13 × 9.5 × 2 in


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